Friday, November 13, 2015

What three things would one not buy Online? 

     If you were to ask me this question about 7 years ago, I would have said everything is not worth buying online (I was about 16 and skeptical at the time). Now, I'm still skeptical but my skepticism is a little more lacks as I buy things from a source I know or if it were an item like a book or a movie (small non-perishables or digital media). the only real exception I make to this rule is Amazon in regards to school textbooks (book store prices tend to make one thankful for almost any condition a book could be in). However, the big three items I would not want to purchase online are perishable items such as fruit or uranium-238 (I don't care if its half life is 4.5 billion years or not, it parishes). Another important grouping of items I probably wouldn't buy are clothing. Most  people advertising clothing are like most people advertising McDonalds Cheeseburgers (making it look better than what it is). Furthermore, because one size does not fit all, I would be more inclined to tryout the clothes in person. a last grouping of items I would not purchase over the internet are any items over $50 with out a return policy or warranty. Again the exception I would make would be for text books but the hope with purchasing text books online is that one doesn't need to shell out this kind of cash. 

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